The PTO is an association of all the parents/guardians of the students who attend St. Paul of the Cross Catholic School. Every school parent/guardian is a member of the Association. The purpose of the PTO is to provide support for the administration, the staff and the students in the immediate needs of the school. It is composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Head Room Parents, elects a new PTO board every two years. Activities of the PTO are coordinated by its board, which is comprised of the Pastor, the Principal and the elected officers of the PTO.
School Room Parents provide assistance to the teachers and assist in all PTO fundraisers.
Each grade has 2 to 3 room parents with the exception of 8th grade that needs more help with their fund-raisers.
St. Paul of the Cross School is proud of its well-established service program, which provides many benefits to the educational environment and curriculum program. This program builds community by directly involving the parents, in an active manner, in various efforts and aspects of their child’s school. It also provides opportunities for parents to interact with each other and with the school staff. Services rendered must be school related and must benefit the school directly. The 40-Hour Service Program encompasses many areas of service both during the school day, as well as on weekends and evenings. Parents are urged not to opt-out for paying instead of serving, if at all possible, as their time and presence are is appreciated by the school community.
Any adult volunteer, including volunteer coaches, parents/guardians, people assisting in the classroom, and others who have regular contact with students or minors at an elementary school in a manner similar to paid personnel in a comparable role, will be subject to fingerprinting under the California Education Code and Virtus Training. Please contact the school office for fingerprinting schedules and locations at (562) 445-4542.
All adults must also complete the initial three-hour VIRTUS® Protecting God’s Children for Adults program. All adults who work in any capacity with or around children, the elderly, or people with special needs are required to have on file both Fingerprinting and VIRTUS® Certificates. For upcoming training sessions, please click here and select "Los Angeles - San Pedro Region (Archdiocese).
Please click on the following link for Virtus online registration instructions: Virtus Online