Applications for new students are accepted in April. For students who already attend St. Paul of the Cross School, re-registration forms are sent home in the spring and must be returned with the designated fee to insure a place in the school for the following year. Official registration takes place in April. All tuition and fees must be paid prior to registration.
Children are eligible for admission into Transitional Kindergarten if they have reached the age of 3 years 4 months on their first day of school.
Children are eligible for admission into Kindergarten if they have reached the age of 5 years on or before September 1st and demonstrate academic, social, and emotional readiness.
Children are eligible for admission into first grade if they have reached the age of 6 years on or before September 1st or have successfully completed an accredited Kindergarten program.
Students who have siblings already enrolled in St. Paul of the Cross School and whose families continue to meet the specified requirements:
Students whose parents who are alumni and/or are registered and contributing members of St. Paul of the Cross as verified by the regular use of Church envelopes, and whose families submit the re/registration forms/fees by the required date. Parish envelopes are reviewed regularly and tuition is reclassified as needed.
If room is available, transferring Catholic school students whose parish of residence is St. Paul of the Cross and previously attended another Catholic school.
If room is available, parish students transferring from a public school.
If room is available, Catholic students from outside the parish whose families are willing to support the school.
If room is available, other students who by their behavior and previous school records demonstrate an acceptance of the philosophy of St. Paul of the Cross.
All students are evaluated and/or interviewed before acceptance. Copies of their most recent report card and achievement testing are required for transferring students. With regard to health, California immunization requirements must be met before admission. The Parent Agreement and all forms received at registration must be completed and all required fees paid before students are officially accepted.